Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Today I was told that I had to edit a trailer for the short film Soft. This is a short 15 minute film about a gang that has beaten up a boy, and then harasses his father while at the shop. The gang then follows the boys dad back to the house and begins to harass them again when the boy leaves the house and hits the leader of the gang over the head with a bat.

To make this trailer I took clips from the short film that I thought showed the main aspects of the film. I however have not added any text into the trailer, in the future when creating trailers, I will be making a better edit. Going back I would add text to this trailer to give a better aspect of the short film.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

The Meeting - Short Film Pitch

Charlotte was a girl who loved photography but was broken, she had lost everything even herself. She tries to seek help from therapist Amy, but can Amy help her?

Idea 1

Character Profile:

Name: Charlotte Dawson (Protagonist)

Gender: Female

Age: 19 years old

Profession: Unemployed

Looks: Short brown hair, blue eyes, average height of 5"5.

Background: Charlotte comes from quite a wealthy family, always is cared for by her family and friends. However, over the years she has lost so much; her parents, her best friend and even her boyfriend. Along the way she has come to lose herself and can not seem to find her way. She needs help. That's where the meeting comes into place. Her friends have said to her that she needs to seek help before she takes matters into her own hands...

Hobbies: Charlotte is a fan of photography, she has used this for years to escape from the real world, it is the only thing she is passionate about.


The beach/docks: This will be more of a minor location, this is where Charlotte likes to spend a lot of her down time, taking pictures or spending time with her friends.

Office: This will be the main location, this will be where the meeting between Charlotte and her therapist takes place.

Character 2

Name: Amy Sanders (Main Character)

Gender: Female (may change)

Age: 29

Profession: Therapist

Looks: Long brown hair with brown eyes and the height of 5"8

Amy is Charlottes therapist who tries to help her through the tough times, but it seems to be much harder than she expected. she hasn't had a client like Charlotte before. After a few sessions she would normally see a change is her clients, but with Charlotte it was different. No matter how hard Amy tried, nothing worked.