Tuesday, 29 September 2015

TV/Film Moments task

Even though I had not been in the lesson that day, I was told that we had a task to complete about a moment from our favourite film or TV show.

There are many moments that happen within film or TV, every story that is told is made up of many different moments but certain moments will stick out to the audience in different ways, we all see things differently when it comes to things like this, but the audience will remember the most important ones when a story is told.

I chose this scene from the film The Fault In Our Stars, many moments stood out to me in the film, however, this is the one that I always remember when I think of the film. The film may not be for everyone out there but the film tells a continuous story of how and boy and a girl met and fell in love. This particular scene stood out to me because throughout the whole film Augustus had stayed positive throughout everything, he was by Hazel's side when she needed him, but in this scene he cant be strong for her anymore.

I just found this scene speaks to me more than any of the other scenes, I think in a way it is showing you that you shouldn't give but sometimes it is okay not to have everything go the way you had planned it, the moments in the film tell a story.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting choice this is - good work. Try and express how this choice would affect your own work and creative decisions. This way the research the is active.
